Api Chameliya Power Limited

Api Chameliya Power Limited, a company established and incorporated for the development and operation of hydropower projects to generate and supply electricity to National grid as its prime objective. The company is currently developing 30.0 MegaWatt, Trishuli Galchi Hydroelectric Project a PRoR type project in Trishuli river located at Ratemate, Dhodbesi Rural Municipality, Nuwakot district of Bagmati Province in the Central region of Nepal. The major promoter/investor behind this company is Api Power Company Limited, a leading company in Nepal's Power Sector with Power Generation and Supply to National Grid as its core business. Api Power Company Limited shall invest and shall own shares i.e. majority 51% stake holding in the Company. As a Promoter in this Api Chameliya Power Limited, Api Power Company Limited invest the Equity required for the development of the Projects owned.

Geographically the Project is located between the Latitude 27°51´28´´ N to 27°50´41 ´´ North and Longitude 85°03´32´´ E to 85°01´48 ´´ East. The project is envisioned as Peak Run of River type of Project with atleast 2hrs of combined daily peaking capacity during peak hours at morning and night. The project is envisaged as Peaking Hydropower project with a Gated Barrage Dam and Powerhouse at the toe of the Dam. The Barrage and the gates are proposed such that design flood (Q1000) can be safely passed by the structure with N-1 gate operation condition. The Intake is towards left bank of the Trishuli River where the major components have been proposed. The project is provisioned with bed load sluice with two gates between Intake and the Gated Barrage to deal with deposition of bed load in front of the Intake when the operation of larger gates is not warranted and manage water level during excess flow in the river. A fish passage has also been provided to aid for the crossing of the migratory fishes. The settling pond is immediately after Intake is located in the left bank of Trishuli River for removal of sediments of design particle size. The design discharge of 229.64 m3/s will be carried through three 4.8 m dia. 53 long penstock pipe up to the powerhouse. The powerhouse is located in the left bank of the Trishuli River, which will house three units of vertical axis Kaplan Turbine. There is no provision of Surge Tank for the project due unnecessity of such components on such project. A tailrace of length 500 m has been provided to return the water back to the river.

The company has applied the Survey License of the Project from the Department of Electricity Development, Ministry of Energy and shall soon complete the Detailed Survey of the Project. Company shall apply for the Power Purchase Agreement with Nepal Electricity Authority and later obtain the Generation License and soon starts its construction.

Salient Features









Intake and Powerhouse Site


Dhodbesi RM




27°51´28´´ N to 27°50´41 ´´ N




85°03´32´´ E to 85°01´48 ´´ E


Name of River


Trishuli River


Type of Scheme




Gross Head


16.7 m


Net rated Head


15.0 m


Installed Capacity


30000 kW


Average Annual Energy Outage


155,161,969 kWh


Dry Season Energy


46,877,084 kWh


Wet Season Energy


108,284,885 kWh


Catchment Area


5479 Km2


Mean Monthly Discharge


275.40 m3/sec


Design Discharge (at 40%PoE)


229.64 m3/sec


Type of Structure




Length of Barrage


120 m (Spilling Length)


Full Reservoir Level


EL. 439.7 msl


Spillway type




Type of Intake


Frontal Intake with Orifice


Nos of Opening


3 (Three)


Powerhouse Type


Dam Toe Type

Size (L x W)


63 m x 25 m

Turbine Axis Level


423.0 masl

Tailrace Length


60.0 m

Tailrace Water Level


423.5 m

Turbine Type





3 (Three)

Rated Output Capacity per unit


12,857 kW

Turbine Axis Level


423.50 masl



91.5 % (at 100% of Discharge)

Generator Type


3 Phase AC Synchronous

Rated Output Capacity per Unit


11,765 KVA

Generation Voltage


11000 V



50 HZ

No of Units


3 (Three)

Transformer Type


Step Up Power Transformer

Rated Capacity


11.65 MVA

No of Units


3 (Three)

Transmission Line





18 km

Conductor Type





Powerhouse of TGHP



Substation at Parewatar of Dhading

Financial Parameter

Total Investment


7,594.57 million NRs.

Base Year



Loan repayment period


12 Years

Debt, equity ratio



Project Benefit/Cost (B/C) Ratio



Project Internal Rate of Return on Equity (EIRR)



Cost per kilowatt (NPR)

